Our mission is to give you the facts needed to understand the confusing world of CBD and bring transparency to the industry. Our content is made through a three-step process:
- Experienced writers knowledgeable about CBD create content based on peer-reviewed research papers, personal experiences with CBD products, and a deep understanding of the CBD industry.
- Medical doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals review the content to ensure accuracy.
- The content is updated whenever new relevant research is published.
Our Editorial Standards
At CBDThinker, we’re committed to providing accurate, honest, evidence-based, and accessible information about hemp, CBD, and other hemp-derived cannabinoids.
We aim to empower you with the information needed to use CBD to improve your health and wellness. Our team of writers, doctors, pharmacists, farmers, and other experts adhere to the following standards:
Sources and References
Most of our content is based on published scientific research on CBD, cannabinoids, and cannabis. Our writers have read thousands of these peer-reviewed research studies and review papers.
You’ll find numbered links (in brackets) and references to research papers in most of our articles. Most are published in the Pubmed.gov database, with more than 32 million research papers available from various scientific journals.
Keep in mind that we actually read the full research papers, not just the abstract. We use this information to cite key facts and provide the most accurate information about CBD, minor cannabinoids, cannabis, and other topics.
We also cite government health websites, reputable newspapers, and other trusted sources (usually with a text link instead of a numbered one).
Medical Review & Fact-Checking
Our content is not just written by qualified writers but also reviewed by medical doctors and other healthcare professionals versed in CBD and cannabis. They bring many years of medical experience from private practice, clinical research, and professional organizations dedicated to various medical disciplines.
Their medical reviews ensure we provide the most up-to-date, accurate information possible and support our content with evidence-based sources. All of the statistics and facts we mention are referenced and explained, and we only cite high-quality, peer-reviewed studies.
You can see who reviewed each medically-focused article in the top right part of the page.
The images you see on CBDthinker are a mix of unique photos we took during the review process, pictures we made in Photoshop, and a few AI-generated images. We try our best to avoid generic stock photos so you know that we actually tested out the products.