Texas Veterans Fight to Keep Delta-8 THC Legal 

By | Updated on February 11, 2023

Evidence Based 5

Texas has been trying to ban delta-8 THC for a few years. Now, Texas State Senator Charles Perry is once again trying to get delta-8 THC and other intoxicating hemp products banned with Senate Bill 264. He tried to pass a similar bill in 2021 but failed, largely thanks to opposition from Texas’ delta-8 THC vendors

Perry is up against many Texas veterans who want to keep delta-8 THC legal in the state. Texas has the highest number of military veterans in the US — some 1.4 million according to the latest statistics — which may explain why attempts to ban delta-8 failed in the past.

Since cannabis is illegal in Texas, it’s not surprising that many people are turning to delta-8 THC, which offers similar effects but is legal thanks to a loophole in the 2018 Farm Bill. 

This is especially true for veterans, for whom cannabis offers relief from difficult-to-treat issues such as PTSD, chronic pain, and traumatic brain injuries. “So many veterans are using these products and reporting good results,” said Dave Bass, a veteran of Operation Desert Storm and Iraq Freedom who is diagnosed with PTSD.

Dave Walden, another veteran, says he previously tried 30 medications but now only uses hemp-derived gummies because they’re cheaper, more effective, and come with fewer side effects. In his own words, “We were zombies…We were doing all the successful stuff like Valium, Ativan, hydrocodone, gabapentin — not at separate times — daily.”

That’s why many veterans are not only fighting against the new hemp bill but also for expanding Texas’ medical marijuana program, which is one of the most restrictive in the country. If the delta-8 THC ban is successful a lot of veterans would be forced back into the illegal marijuana market. 

The news comes at a time when some Texas cities are experimenting with decriminalizing marijuana

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